
from the mind of critic-5/20/17

From the mind of critic: “How do we know everything happens for a reason, if that reason isn’t translatable into any human dialect? Do we have faith in a higher power or some other unseen force, that provides an explanatory reason before anything actually happens? Or do we know some reasons might not be translatable yet, but will become so, the more consciousness and life experience we allow ourselves to have? Does this future knowledge provide the motivation needed to trudge forward, to find the needle amongst a field of haystacks? Many things in life are unexplainable for a plethora of reasons. How we react to this knowledge is directly correlated to our view of the world, and all it’s inhabitants. There is a reason everything happens, some are terrible, despicable and soul ripping, while some are joyous, beautiful and soul nurturing. Some reasons certainly aren’t explainable yet, and some might not be at all. Once we realize the monumental diservice we do to our personal evolution by trying to find the quick and easy answers to life’s events, we’ll see that we might not comprehend everything that happens, but the more consciously we look deeper for answers, the more authentic those answers and reasons will appear. There is a reason everything happens for a reason, which happens to be our life’s journey” 🙂

from the mind of critic-5/19/17

From the mind of critic: “If we have an old dresser thats haggered and ready to completely break down, do we set it by the side of the road for the trash man to take away, after we’ve smashed it to smithereens? Do we scour yard sales for a cheap and easy replacement, and attempt to cover up our self-inflicted destruction like nothing ever happened? Or do we trudge down to the hardware store for sand paper, stain and laquer, so we can refinish and bring back to life a dresser that’s been transformed into a shadow of its formner self because of years of neglect and apathy? In these crazy times we’re all forced to live in at the moment, America and the freedom and equality it was based on seems like a distant memory. Not that we’ve ever gotten over or handled issues of race, class, religion, abortion, guns or gays, which are all reasons we have Donald Trump as president, cause we never fully solved issues we thought were handled years ago. Since all of that is out in the open, all the crack, holes and flaws are available for all of us to witness. Given that we’ve all seen these flaws America has, do we feel it has been so corrupt for so long, we’re better off blowing up the system and starting over? Do we give up on the American dream that has never been fully realized? Or do we force the system to be better, by putting in the work to make it better? Once we realize that we don’t have to destroy to improve, we’ll see that clean slate thinking is the easy way out, because we don’t want to put in the effort to fix somehting we don’t shut up about. Fixing an old dresser might be alot of work, but it’s more fulfilling because we fixed what caused the deterioration, instead of buying another dresser, and kicking tha can down the road one again” 🙂

from the mind of critic-5/18/17

From the mind of critic: “If we’re whistling down the street thinking nothing will break our stride, but then see a piece of trash, do we bend down to pick it up? Even if our attitude is nothing will slow us from getting where we want to go, do we purposely slow our journey to beautify a path for us, and all others who come after us who take a similar path? Or do we pouposely pass by the trash as we saunter by, so we don’t get slowed down, thinking somebody will as they pick up the trash, allowing us to scoot by and get further ahead? It’s very common within the human condition to watch out for ourselves, and make sure sure nothing upsets the productive, uplifting and fulfilling plans we’ve made. What we must remember is that just cause something is common, doesn’t mean it’s beneficial. While we all want to get somewhere, we all need help along the way. If we pass somebody by whether physically or metaphorically who needs help, we should help them if we can, specifically we could easily be in their same position. Once we realize that just because our stride is broken doesn’t mean we’re slowed down, we’ll see that if we adjust our plans, it’s simply testing our resilency and building our character by making us step outside of ourselves. Waving at and helping random people reminds us of the humanism we’ve lost, but also how easy it is to get it back. Helping and/or beautifying is better done by us now. If we count on somebody else, are we okay with them counting on us?” 🙂

from the mind of critic-5/17/17

From the mind of critic: “If words mean everything and nothing at the same time, is it any wonder we have trouble communicating? If our words can’t be taken more seriously than our actions, does it matter what anybody says? How do we find balance between everything and nothing, when the middle ground is completely indecipherable? Do we take everything on a case by case basis, and realize pre-concieved notions get us absolutely nowhere? Or do we have the same chiseled in stone rules with no exceptions, where crazy words, phrases and concepts coming from somebody we like is chalked up under things we can’t take seriously, while honest words, phrases and concepts are taken as the gospel? Many things in life have to be balanced, free and work time, personal and business and diet just to name a few. We run into problems when we try to balance something, and it spells to the letter how unbalanced somebody else thinks that same thing is. We might think crazy words shouldn’t be believed if spoken by our guy, but damn if we’re not ready to lock our oppenent up for saying the same exact thing. We must ask ourselves if we wanna live our lives draped in hypocrisy, or realism? We might never figure out a black and white answer to whether words matter or not. The best we can do is hold our friends and enemies to the same standards. Once we’re all measured by the same ruler, we’ll see how similar we really are” 🙂

from the mind of critic-5/16/17

From the mind of critic: “Is fighting for peace, like loving for war? Is thinking that committing violence till our enemies can’t challenge us anymore, just as ridiculous as thinking that committing random acts of kindness will get people so angry, their only thought will be to kill each other? Can things be ridiculous but not surprising, because crazy off the wall things have become so prevalent, that it’s not so much that they’ve been normalized, so much as it just is what it is. Double speak, double talk, double think and hypocrisy are concepts that have been around since the dawn of man. So we shouldn’t be surprised when we’re duped by phrases created by sinister intent. At the same time, if we don’t stand up and speak about how they’re causing humanities downfall, duplicitous thoughts, statements and actions will happen with more frequency and ferocity, until they actually institute humanities downfall. How do we stave this off? We realize the real world application of fighting is war and peace is love, is understanding what actions we’re taking in the here and now. Random acts of kindness, treating others how we’d like to be treated, and remembering to share when we have a lot and others have little, is the love that cultivates peace. Love creates peace, and peace ends war. If we really wanna stop the apocalypse, we’ll stop trying to kill our enemies into submission, and start loving them into submission. We start evolving when we realize that fighting and loving are two totally different things” 🙂

from the mind of critic-5/13/17

From the mind of critic: “When we’re at the coffeeshop in the morning, trying to to decide between light and dark roast, do we ever mix the two to make medium? Do we thoroughly enjoy the taste of light and dark together instead of medium roast, because the natural mixing of the two provides an authentic flavor that medium roast is unable to mimic? Or do we prefer a medium roast because the mixing has already been done, instead of us making the conscious decision to mix the two, which is the way we know society is trending, but would never choose ourselves? Whether we prefer lightness, darkness, mediumness or have no prefernece at all, we’re making choices about what kind of coffee we like, what kind of emotional outlook we utilize and the ethnicity of people we feel comfortable around. We run into trouble when we get hung up on type, instead of the actual thing itself. If we like coffee we should drink it, no matter what type it is. Whether we do or don’t understand our emotional outlook, we should always build ourselves up, no matter what shade of consciousness we come from. If we like people, we should treat them with dignity, respect and love no matter what their melanin level is. Having preferences isn’t inherently a bad thing. We just have to be careful those preferences don’t hurt, harm or hate others, based on ignorance we can never fully define. Mixing, matching and creating is what makes life interesting, and what keeps our species evolving. The less judgement and more understanding we carry, the more we move forward instead of backward” 🙂

from the mind of critic-5/12/17

From the mind of critic: “If the reason we trim our fruit trees in the winter is so new branches grow back thicker and stronger in the spring and summer, do we expect these runners to automatically spring up? Do we prune the small branches and leave the big ones because new smaller growth, always springs from older bigger growth, no matter what sun light and water it receives? Or does new growth only happen when the stars align, and planetary conditions are just right, that the branch’s only option is to grow? Putting in hard work and effort makes for a much better chance at success, but doesn’t guarantee it. Knowing success isn’t guaranteed, doesnt or shouldn’t stop us from putting hard work in. Environments, people, thoughts and actions do have to align for success to happen, but since we don’t know what perfect conditions look like, we also don’t know what success will spring forth or in what form. We must remember the more preperation we put in, the more times we build a strong foundation, and see how the house built on top of that foundation is interconnected to all other parts of the house, other houses on the block, neghborhood, city, state, country and the world, the better the house will turn out. Trimming fruit trees has to be done in the right conditions and with the right technique. Lopping off random branches will kill the tree. But if we think about how whatever we’re doing effects everything else, the tree will not only grow, but it will thrive. Life can can take a while to get just right. Once we consciously realize nobody gets it perfect, the more successful we’ll be” 🙂

from the mind of critic-5/11/17

From the mind of critic: “If at first we don’t succeed and we try try again, do we succeed on our 4th, 8th or 12th try? What about our 200th or 500th try? Do we gain success specifically because of our viglantly courageous determination? Or do we gain success not simply because of detrmination, but because of hard work, focus, consciousness, understanding, justice and love for our fellow man? I’ve always heard success is in the eye of the beholder, which means we determine what success means, which just like life isn’t black and white. Whatever success looks like to us, might not be what it looks like for somebody else. At the same time, we might not be able to see the success that’s meant for us, specifically because we think it’s sucess meant for somebody else, or success meant for us that we can’t define, haven’t expected or don’t want. We’ve all had hard times in our lives where we try really hard for something, and it just doesn’t happen in the way we expect. We must remember if we want something to happen, and we put in massive effort to make it so, what matters is that it happened, not the form it takes. We aren’t guaranteed success, but we aren’t guaranteed failure either. However, we are guaranteed utter regret if we don’t try. No matter what form success takes, it’s still success” 🙂

from the mind of critic-5/10/17

From the mind of critic: “When we open our front door and walk through to start our day, do we look for other doors to walk though to continue our day? Do doors just appear, beckoning us to walk through, or do we have to hunt and search for them? If one door opens, does another door close? Do we realize all the doors available, where they appear so numerous that we really have to know ourselves and what we want, to be able to choose the one that suits us? Or are some doors hidden, only revealing themselves when we’ve dealt with adversity, put a lot of work into feeding our passion, learned a certain lesson, or got out of our way long enough to not automatically assume opportunities are for other people, and not us? Many doors, windows and keyholes will present themselves whether we’re ready for them or not. At the same time, many walls, vaults and missing doorknobs will also present themselves whether we prepared for them or not. The key is to stay open to it all, balancing out the good and the bad. If we analyze all of it, we’ll know what’s uplifting, what’s destructive, and what’s not worth our time. Once we realize that we can’t guarantee when good or bad doors will appear, but can greatly increase our probability for success if we’ve taken the time to learn what we’re looking for, what our passion is and what we want to get out of life, we’ll see that truly knowing ourselves is the best guide forward. Whether we expect doors to open or not, we must be prepared to walk through. We do that by opening the door to our soul, and getting to know our true selves.”

from the mind of critic-5/9/17

From the mind of critic: “If we’re well known for standing up for what we believe in, do we think we have to keep a certain persona to deem ourselves worthy of their praise? If we’re standing up for rights for our culture, ethnicity or gender, and we mix and mingle with another culture, ehtinicity or gender, do we feel like we’re letting our people down by not giving them a chance? Or do we understand the intracasies of the human psyche, and gravitate toward consciously positive and justice filled people, realizing “our people” might only be upset about it, because they haven’t had black and white enough truth to prove that some “others” might help “them?” We as humans don’t believe monolithically, we believe a million different things for a million different reasons. When we drill deeper within our ethnicity culture, religion or movement, none of us believe the same either. If we find ourselves disagreeing with somebody within our group for associating with another group, are we doing it out of pride for our people? Or because we think our people are better than other people? Once we realize that equal rights means being included in the mainstream, we’ll see that living what we preach is the reason why we preach, not just to be heard. We should all stand up for what we believe in. The moment we put our ideas into practice how we think they should be applied, is the moment we start evolving. We think to talk, and talk to act. We mustn’t let others who haven’t made that connection bring us down.” 🙂