The Author

Bryan Radzin’s
“Search for Truth”, “From The Mind Of Critic”, & “Manifesto Of A Madman For Good” Series

Setting goals comes easy for most folks, but accomplishing them is another thing altogether.

Bryan Radzin, a graduate of Humboldt State University (currently Cal Poly Humboldt) in Northern California, has accomplished his goal of publishing a book each year by his birthday in July. For 13 consecutive years, this goal has been successfully met.

Radzin’s first three books were his “Madman For Good” series of short essays. Then came his ongoing “From The Mind Of Critic” series of short essays, followed by his “Search for Truth” fiction series. Starting with the novel “The Seeker Begins”, and his latest, “A Better Day,” “Search For Truth” provides a vision of unity through critical mass, while illuminating the illusion of power; so we can thrive through not just a new day, but a better one. Bryan also recently published “A Truth Seekers 10 Point plan,” a comprehensive, but easy to follow guide on how to be a more authentic and fulfilled human being. He laid out this Ten Point Plan, so the ideas in his Search For Truth novels, will help all humans achieve the well agreed upon collective goal of peace.

His riveting novels and collection books weave accountability, humanism and truth throughout, by blending real issues with a philosophical/spiritual approach to uncover Truths. They are a synchronistic journey into the realm of politics and what makes us human. His 10 Point Plan blueprints how the key to positive forward motion, is inner kindness and empathy; which always starts with gratitude. Feeling that gratitude along with love, leads to understanding, which leads to humanism, and then truth; before accountability, peace and justice, help balance our journey. This reminds us to trust our authentic process as our guiding light, so we encourage maximum growth on all levels.

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