Speeches Of Truth

Haile Selassie: Address To The United Nations

Washington D.C. – 1963


Frederick Douglas: On John Brown At The 14th Anniversary Of Storer College

Harpers Ferry, West Virginia – May 30th 1881


John Brown: His Last Words To The Court Before Conviction & Execution

Charlestown, Virginia – November 2nd 1859


Charlie Chaplin: Final Speech From The Great Dictator

Movie – 1940


Dwight D. Eisenhower: Farewell Address

The Oval Office, Washington D.C. – 1961


George Washington: Sentiments On A Peace Establishment

Unknown – May 1st 1783


George Washington: Farewell Address

Not Live – September 19th 1796


Martin Luther King Jr.: I Have A Dream

Washington D.C. – August 28th 1963


Martin Luther King J.r.: Our God Is Marching On

Selma Alabama – March 25th 1965


Martin Luther King: Beyond Vietnam-A Time To Break The Silence

Riverside Church, New York City – April 4th1967


Martin Luther King Jr.: The Other America

Stanford University – April 14th 1967


Martin Luther King Jr.: I’ve Been to The Mountaintop

Memphis Tennessee – April 3rd 1968


Malcolm X: The Ballot Or The Bullet

Cleveland – April 12th 1964


Malcolm X: Not Just An American Problem, But A World Problem

Harlem, New York – February 16th 1965


Malcolm X: There’s  A Worldwide Revolution Going On

Harlem, New York – February 15th 1965


Malcolm X: At London School Of Economics

London – February 11th 1965


Malcolm X: Prospects For Freedom In 1965

Militant Labor Forum, Berkeley California – January 7th 1965


Malcolm X: Letter From Mecca

Mecca – April 20th 1964


Yitzhak Rabin: Final Speech

Tel Aviv, Israel – November 4th 1995


Barack Hussein Obama: Speech On Race

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – March 18th 2008


Martin Luther King Jr.: Letter From A Birmingham Jail

Birmingham, Alabama – April 16th 1963


Al Pacino: Speech From The End Of Scent Of A Woman

Movie – 1992


Teddy Roosevelt – Progressive Cause Greater Than Any Individual

Milwaukee, Wisconsin – October 4th 1912