from the mind of critic-5/20/17

From the mind of critic: “How do we know everything happens for a reason, if that reason isn’t translatable into any human dialect? Do we have faith in a higher power or some other unseen force, that provides an explanatory reason before anything actually happens? Or do we know some reasons might not be translatable yet, but will become so, the more consciousness and life experience we allow ourselves to have? Does this future knowledge provide the motivation needed to trudge forward, to find the needle amongst a field of haystacks? Many things in life are unexplainable for a plethora of reasons. How we react to this knowledge is directly correlated to our view of the world, and all it’s inhabitants. There is a reason everything happens, some are terrible, despicable and soul ripping, while some are joyous, beautiful and soul nurturing. Some reasons certainly aren’t explainable yet, and some might not be at all. Once we realize the monumental diservice we do to our personal evolution by trying to find the quick and easy answers to life’s events, we’ll see that we might not comprehend everything that happens, but the more consciously we look deeper for answers, the more authentic those answers and reasons will appear. There is a reason everything happens for a reason, which happens to be our life’s journey” 🙂