from the mind of critic-5/16/17

From the mind of critic: “Is fighting for peace, like loving for war? Is thinking that committing violence till our enemies can’t challenge us anymore, just as ridiculous as thinking that committing random acts of kindness will get people so angry, their only thought will be to kill each other? Can things be ridiculous but not surprising, because crazy off the wall things have become so prevalent, that it’s not so much that they’ve been normalized, so much as it just is what it is. Double speak, double talk, double think and hypocrisy are concepts that have been around since the dawn of man. So we shouldn’t be surprised when we’re duped by phrases created by sinister intent. At the same time, if we don’t stand up and speak about how they’re causing humanities downfall, duplicitous thoughts, statements and actions will happen with more frequency and ferocity, until they actually institute humanities downfall. How do we stave this off? We realize the real world application of fighting is war and peace is love, is understanding what actions we’re taking in the here and now. Random acts of kindness, treating others how we’d like to be treated, and remembering to share when we have a lot and others have little, is the love that cultivates peace. Love creates peace, and peace ends war. If we really wanna stop the apocalypse, we’ll stop trying to kill our enemies into submission, and start loving them into submission. We start evolving when we realize that fighting and loving are two totally different things” 🙂