from the mind of critic-5/17/17

From the mind of critic: “If words mean everything and nothing at the same time, is it any wonder we have trouble communicating? If our words can’t be taken more seriously than our actions, does it matter what anybody says? How do we find balance between everything and nothing, when the middle ground is completely indecipherable? Do we take everything on a case by case basis, and realize pre-concieved notions get us absolutely nowhere? Or do we have the same chiseled in stone rules with no exceptions, where crazy words, phrases and concepts coming from somebody we like is chalked up under things we can’t take seriously, while honest words, phrases and concepts are taken as the gospel? Many things in life have to be balanced, free and work time, personal and business and diet just to name a few. We run into problems when we try to balance something, and it spells to the letter how unbalanced somebody else thinks that same thing is. We might think crazy words shouldn’t be believed if spoken by our guy, but damn if we’re not ready to lock our oppenent up for saying the same exact thing. We must ask ourselves if we wanna live our lives draped in hypocrisy, or realism? We might never figure out a black and white answer to whether words matter or not. The best we can do is hold our friends and enemies to the same standards. Once we’re all measured by the same ruler, we’ll see how similar we really are” 🙂