from the mind of critic-5/12/17

From the mind of critic: “If the reason we trim our fruit trees in the winter is so new branches grow back thicker and stronger in the spring and summer, do we expect these runners to automatically spring up? Do we prune the small branches and leave the big ones because new smaller growth, always springs from older bigger growth, no matter what sun light and water it receives? Or does new growth only happen when the stars align, and planetary conditions are just right, that the branch’s only option is to grow? Putting in hard work and effort makes for a much better chance at success, but doesn’t guarantee it. Knowing success isn’t guaranteed, doesnt or shouldn’t stop us from putting hard work in. Environments, people, thoughts and actions do have to align for success to happen, but since we don’t know what perfect conditions look like, we also don’t know what success will spring forth or in what form. We must remember the more preperation we put in, the more times we build a strong foundation, and see how the house built on top of that foundation is interconnected to all other parts of the house, other houses on the block, neghborhood, city, state, country and the world, the better the house will turn out. Trimming fruit trees has to be done in the right conditions and with the right technique. Lopping off random branches will kill the tree. But if we think about how whatever we’re doing effects everything else, the tree will not only grow, but it will thrive. Life can can take a while to get just right. Once we consciously realize nobody gets it perfect, the more successful we’ll be” 🙂