
from the mind of critic-7/8/17

From the mind of critic: “If money is speech what’s louder, passion or dollars? Are there passionate billionaires who want to save the environment, and help humans consciously evolve? Are there passionate hundredaires who want to save the economy, and logically prove that if billionaires paid income taxes equal to workers, free college and free healthcare wouldn’t even be a question? Do we value free speech more, if it emanates from a stock portfolio or hedgefund, rather than a union or a paycheck earner? Citizens United solidified what has been tradition for millenia, that the rich are seen as more credible than the poor. That somebody who collects dividend checks, should be taken more seriously than somebody who collects paychecks. Passion is a human feeling that affects all of us who are human. Once we realize that passion tries to drown out other passion with dollars, we’ll see that the further we get away from the actual issue at hand, the easier our thoughts can be steered with money. Speech comes out of our minds through our mouths, and money is something physical that we can hold in our hands. We all deserve to be heard, and we all want to make change. Until money ejects our of our minds through our mouths, speech and money will never be equal.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/7/17

From the mind of critic: “If we spread a puzzle on the table, and can see where half of it fits together, does it instantly become less enjoyable? Does it begin fun because we have a head start, before it becomes boring due to its increasing easiness? Are puzzles never enjoyable because they’re all too hard, so we wait for somebody else to put them together? Life can have few events, which easily fit together in an simple to understand picture. Life can also have many events, which fit together, but take considerably longer to decipher. Once we realize that events in life are always interconnected no matter how disconnected they seem, we’ll see that life can be chaotically complex when we try to instantly fit it together. Life gets easier however when we pick and area to start from, and go from there. Some puzzles might be hard, but if we don’t look at all the pieces, we’ll never figure out how they fit together.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/6/17

From the mind of critic: “If we have to do what we have to do, so we can do what we want to do, what do we have to do? Do we all need to do the same things, because we all want the same things? Are we implored to do something different, because our wants are unique by virtue of being human? Do we all have the same basic needs, but different wants depending on our background? In a nutshell, we have basic needs and wants that all humans have, and unique needs and wants based on environment, culture and upbringing. To know the difference between the “unique” and “basic”, we must figure out what we want. This can be diificult, but gets easier with practice. Once we realize that our needs and wants are constantly evolving as we evolve, we’ll see that none of us know what we truly want, but the more we vigilantly ask the tough questions, we’ll see that our needs and wants aren’t in coflict with others, but in symbiosis. We can’t know what we want, without knowing what we need. If we don’t know what we need, how will we know what others need? How can we know somebody without knowing ourselves?” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/5/17

From the mind of critic: “If we’re running a marathon, do we pace ourselves so we don’t burn out rearly? Do we sprint as hard as we can, not thinking we’ll burn out, only that we want to beat the person next to us? Do we realize we’re running a marathon, and therefore have strategized for a much shorter race? Unless we want to severely shorten our windows of opportunity, we better prepare for life. Since we know that our short time on this earth can be taken away at any time, we should never abitrarily shorten it. Difficulty comes in, when we try to balance taking advantage of opportunities as fast as we can, and allowing tasks to be done the right way because we’ve given them the time they deserve. Life is a marathon, uniquely choreographed for each of us. We must find our goldilocks zone to succeed. Once we do, positive and conscious collective evolution is an inevitability.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/4/17

From the mind of critic: “When we drive into the sunset , is that it? Are we glad our run is over, because misery is no longer? Are we sad we’re at the end, because of unchecked boxes on our bucket list? Are we indifferent because of all the zillion possibilities out there, that we couldn’t possibly choose? Is this sunset real, metaphorical, philisophical, political, religous or created in a lab? Whether we see a sunset at the end of our day, life, at the end of a test, trial or warranty, it repesents finality. The measure of the finality is up to us. We could be sunsetting on a stage in life, where we’ve learned lessons and moved on. We could be sunsetting on an empire that we’ve controlled for a long time, and now it’s crumbling because the people are rising up. Sunsets, like life are what we make them. We just have to remember that ending a run or a stage isn’t inherently bad, it’s only a test we have to pass to get where we need to go.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-7/1/17

From the mind of critic:              “If we’re supposed to be emotional and spiritually satisfied when we accomplish goals, how come we instantly see a million more things we wanna do? Are we not giving ourselves credit for doing 100 things, because we have 1000 more things to do? Does our self-esteem sag, because our puny goals don’t compare to the grandiose goals our neighbor has accomplished? Do new goals appear, specifically because previous goals we accomplished opened a door? Whether or not we believe there’s no there there, doesn’t make it any less true. Once we get to where we wanna go, we realize there’s all these other places we wanna go as well. Once we realize that life really is a journey and not a destination, we’ll see that each conscious step forward we take, brings us one step closer to enlightenment, by constantly absorbing and letting go. The more doors we walk through, the more doors that appear. We can either continue to walk through them, or sit idly by and watch other people walk through them.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-6/29/17

From the mind of critic: “If our car needs gas to run, does it matter the octane? Can we actually tell if our car runs better with higher quality gas? Does one station offer higher quality fuel than another, making our drive smoother? Is that smoother drive an illusion, a peace of mind that our drive is easier, when it might be the opposite? Our bodies need fuel to run, just like our minds. Fueling up with the highest quality is always good, eating more natural foods and injesting intelectual stimulation is never a bad thing. We go wrong when we think this higher quality fuel, will guarantee an easier and smoother trip forward. We can get caught up with what we need to move forward and the way we move forward, instead of simply moving forward. Once we realize that getting stuck on words, instead of the concept they decribe prevents our positive evolution, we’ll see that arguing over semantics will drive us all backwards. Our car needs fuel, but if we spend all our time arguing about which fuel to use, we’ll never get to where we need to go.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-6/28/17

From the mind of critic: “If nothing quite goes with peanut butter like jelly, so much so that it has turned into a cliche, what about the popularity of peanut butter and honey? What about peanut butter and bacon, or god forbid peanut butter and pickles? What aboue eating peanut butter hot cold, smooth, nutty, on bread or on a tortilla? We all have favorites, just like society has favorites they wish we would adopt as our own. Sometimes they coincide, and sometimes they don’t.When favorites differ, is when we either buck the system, or revel in the status quo. We must never forget our favorites, our rebelious turning points and our status quo will always differ from our neighbors because of unique life experience. Once we realize all these points of view areb’t discasrding our opinion, but adding to the broadening of our horizons, we’ll see that what we’ve always heard or will hear isn’t always right, but if we don’t listen, we won’t have the material to decipher what we think is right. Peanut butter and jelly is a great thing, but if we never acknowledge the greatness of peanut butter and honey, we’ll continue living under the false assumption that we’re the center of the universe.” 🙂

from the mind of critic-6/27/17

From the mind of critic: “If we’re supposed to get honesty from the writing on the wall, what do we do when the writing fades, corrodes and washes away? Do we trudge down to the store for writing implements, so we can restore our version of what the writing said? Do we rummage for implements we already have, so as to have no influence when we recreate exactly what the original writing said? Did we disagree with the writing on the wall anyway, so not only do we fail to restore it, we cheer its funeral? Being perceptive enough to truly see what’s in front of us, is one of the most important aspects of welcoming our positive evolution. Signs and messages come from everywhere, contain every point of view and change meanings depending on our perception. We can see them as helping or hurting, depending on the density of fog we’re looking through. Once we realize the writing on the wall is a suggested diagram, not a set in stone blueprint, we’ll see we can take it or leave it, just like the good and bad things in life. If we don’t pay attention though, we’ll never recieve the universe’s guidance in moving our species forward. The writing on the wall might change, but like us, it simply evolves with the times” 🙂

from the mind of critic-6/24/17

From the mind of critic: “If we have our cake and eat it too, isn’t that the point? Isn’t the idea of procuring cake, to eat it? If we have more cake than our neighbor, do we still attempt to take theirs, because we fear they’re gonna take ours? If we have mere crumbs, do we yearn for a slice of cake of our own, because we’ve never been priveledged enough to eat an entire piece that has never been touched? What if the entire world is about getting cake, eating it and then getting more, but we happen to like pie? There is a reason that avarice and pride are one of the seven deadly sins, and humility is not. If we’re afraid of losing a smidgen of what we have to people who have but a fraction of what we have, we must ask why. Once we realize that procuring wealth and building ourselves up is only detrimental when propelled by the destruction of others, we’ll see that being rich or poor isn’t bad in and of itself, because our intent steers us in a positive or negative direction. We all like cake, we all think it’s delicious, we just can’t steal it from others, and not expect them to steal it from us.” 🙂