from the mind of critic-7/5/17

From the mind of critic: “If we’re running a marathon, do we pace ourselves so we don’t burn out rearly? Do we sprint as hard as we can, not thinking we’ll burn out, only that we want to beat the person next to us? Do we realize we’re running a marathon, and therefore have strategized for a much shorter race? Unless we want to severely shorten our windows of opportunity, we better prepare for life. Since we know that our short time on this earth can be taken away at any time, we should never abitrarily shorten it. Difficulty comes in, when we try to balance taking advantage of opportunities as fast as we can, and allowing tasks to be done the right way because we’ve given them the time they deserve. Life is a marathon, uniquely choreographed for each of us. We must find our goldilocks zone to succeed. Once we do, positive and conscious collective evolution is an inevitability.” 🙂