from the mind of critic-7/8/17

From the mind of critic: “If money is speech what’s louder, passion or dollars? Are there passionate billionaires who want to save the environment, and help humans consciously evolve? Are there passionate hundredaires who want to save the economy, and logically prove that if billionaires paid income taxes equal to workers, free college and free healthcare wouldn’t even be a question? Do we value free speech more, if it emanates from a stock portfolio or hedgefund, rather than a union or a paycheck earner? Citizens United solidified what has been tradition for millenia, that the rich are seen as more credible than the poor. That somebody who collects dividend checks, should be taken more seriously than somebody who collects paychecks. Passion is a human feeling that affects all of us who are human. Once we realize that passion tries to drown out other passion with dollars, we’ll see that the further we get away from the actual issue at hand, the easier our thoughts can be steered with money. Speech comes out of our minds through our mouths, and money is something physical that we can hold in our hands. We all deserve to be heard, and we all want to make change. Until money ejects our of our minds through our mouths, speech and money will never be equal.” 🙂