from the mind of critic-6/27/17

From the mind of critic: “If we’re supposed to get honesty from the writing on the wall, what do we do when the writing fades, corrodes and washes away? Do we trudge down to the store for writing implements, so we can restore our version of what the writing said? Do we rummage for implements we already have, so as to have no influence when we recreate exactly what the original writing said? Did we disagree with the writing on the wall anyway, so not only do we fail to restore it, we cheer its funeral? Being perceptive enough to truly see what’s in front of us, is one of the most important aspects of welcoming our positive evolution. Signs and messages come from everywhere, contain every point of view and change meanings depending on our perception. We can see them as helping or hurting, depending on the density of fog we’re looking through. Once we realize the writing on the wall is a suggested diagram, not a set in stone blueprint, we’ll see we can take it or leave it, just like the good and bad things in life. If we don’t pay attention though, we’ll never recieve the universe’s guidance in moving our species forward. The writing on the wall might change, but like us, it simply evolves with the times” 🙂