from the mind of critic-6/24/17

From the mind of critic: “If we have our cake and eat it too, isn’t that the point? Isn’t the idea of procuring cake, to eat it? If we have more cake than our neighbor, do we still attempt to take theirs, because we fear they’re gonna take ours? If we have mere crumbs, do we yearn for a slice of cake of our own, because we’ve never been priveledged enough to eat an entire piece that has never been touched? What if the entire world is about getting cake, eating it and then getting more, but we happen to like pie? There is a reason that avarice and pride are one of the seven deadly sins, and humility is not. If we’re afraid of losing a smidgen of what we have to people who have but a fraction of what we have, we must ask why. Once we realize that procuring wealth and building ourselves up is only detrimental when propelled by the destruction of others, we’ll see that being rich or poor isn’t bad in and of itself, because our intent steers us in a positive or negative direction. We all like cake, we all think it’s delicious, we just can’t steal it from others, and not expect them to steal it from us.” 🙂