
from the mind of critic: 8/13/19


From the mind of critic:    “If we feel like we’re running out of time, due to the sheer volume of chaos trying to halt our never-ending decision process, how do we make the most of our time? How do we spend it in such a way that extends moments by making them more lucid, which in turn gives us more time? Is the idea of time subjective, a construct designed to make sense out of the non sensical, or is it simply a way to fit in or ignore as many good or bad things during our day as possible? Are we willing to put on somebody else’s shoes? Just like everything in life, it comes down to perspective. Do we spend time, or do we kill it? Is the world really chaotic, or is it simply an amalgamation of infinite journeys, discovering all different stages simultaneously? We have plenty of time, in that each moment we experience, has the potential to stretch as long as the world’s existence, or be so small, it’s ignored as we walk by. We either have all the time, no time or some time, and most likely a combination. However, we will never know which is which, unless we’re conscious of what’s going on in front, as well as behind our eyeballs. This mindfulness helps us gain perspective, before we form thoughts of just what the hell is going on. And just what the hell is going on? Well I could tell you, but why listen to me? Why not experience life, and be open to its lessons, find love and not be a racist, sexist dickhead? That is if you want to be a well-rounded person who loves themselves so they can love others, not in spite.”

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From the mind of critic:    “If marches alone won’t bring integration, when human respect is disintegrating, have we ever asked why? Why do people endlessly fight for generations, when a simple handshake, a short, but courteous conversation with eye contact, and a very elementary view of looking at the world we learned in kindergarten, would fix most things? If we treat each other like we’d like to be treated, but believe all talk and no action is enough, will we forever chase the dragon of true unity, being just out of our reach? Are we only scared of revolution, because of the illusion of being outnumbered, when really it’s us who do the outnumbering? There are many ways to promote positive change, in the ever-mutating shit soufflé we call life. They can be small, mundane and boring, or they could be big flashy and exciting, both of which would have no success if not done in unison. We have a fascist dictator, who foments his control by adding zeros to his bank account and curtailing our rights, while violent racists are given tacit approval to defend him and his devolution by bullying, fighting and murdering into submission all of his perceived enemies, who are really just simple, real, loving, perceptive, tolerant, accepting, hardworking and passionate people like you and me; humans who give a shit about people other than themselves. This is the unfortunate societal location we find ourselves in. Are we gonna idly sit by and allow ourselves to be slaughtered, or are we gonna stand shoulder to shoulder, and say enough is enough? Are we finally gonna be confident enough in ourselves, to create the better world of our dreams now? Love will help us achieve now, and will provide the passion to sustain it. We will fix things, we just need to start building what comes next, first.”

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from the mind of critic: 8/5/19


From the mind of critic:    “If mass shootings continue to be shrugged off with empty rhetoric, otherwise known as hearts and prayers, are they being encouraged by the darkest part of psyche? When we go ape shit on a Muslim extremist who commits small scale genocide, but fail to truly recognize the roots of white Christian extremists, who have been spewing their ugly shit for years, and finally see an opening because of a friendly in the White House, who sees good on both sides, blames the media for hate, instead of the vile-ness that cascades from his KFC encrusted lips on a daily basis, which covertly and overtly shows his support, are we partially to blame? We need to stand up. We need to stand up now before there’s no more country to defend. When the darkest part of our collective human soul run rampant, those of us already on the edge take it as a green light to clean the slate of undesirables. We must stand together as humans and say enough. Enough is enough. We aren’t going to put up with a racist, sexist, xenophobic piece of human garbage, spurring on and gladly welcoming these attacks because it wins him votes, no matter how many of us are killed or irreparably harmed in the process. Are we ready for action? Are we ready for change? Are we ready to lead that GOD DAMN MOTHERFUCKER out of the White House, straight into federal pound him in the ass prison where he belongs? Or are we going to say, maybe tomorrow, it hasn’t affected me yet, it’s just the way it is, impeachment can’t get passed so what chance do we have? Well if we sit around like “little Eichmann’s”, and turn our back while our fellow human beings are being slaughtered, then we can’t complain when our kids are found dead in the streets. We must stand, we must unite, we must frog march out what doesn’t serve us, and welcome with open arms what does. We can change, we can create a better world, we just have to continuously act, not think talk and one and done are good enough. Are we enablers, or evolutionary revolutionaries?

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from the mind of critic: 6/12/19


From the mind of critic:     “If summer keep getting hotter every year, causing 100-degree days and destructive fires to be more common than not, but we can’t say global warming only climate change, where does that leave us? While our government helps industry speed up this process 3-fold by slashing regulations, do we have enough energy left to stand up sustainably, so we can bring ourselves back from the brink, and drive progress back in a positive direction? Well, do we? Perishing from the earth is always an option, but so is uniting around our commonalities, to prolong the life of this amazing planet we all live on. If we truly love ourselves and from whence we came, we’ll understand all others do too, which helps us unite to overthrow generationally ingrained paradigms, like, I don’t know, we can’t afford to save the planet. Well not only can we not afford not to, but we CAN afford All things. This country is anything but broke, we have more money now than we ever have, its just concentrated into fewer and fewer hands. Let’s make sure our government fixes the environment, or WE become the government so we can fix it. Literally, our lives depend on it.”

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from the mind of critic: 6/11/19


From the mind of critic:  “If we think nothing of using guns, bombs and drones to kill innocent people on the other side of the world, especially when we didn’t have to leave the comfort of our office, then why would we have a problem with attacking ourselves, for everything we believe wrong with our psyche? Do we believe that if we overshadow all the darkness within by only attacking the surface, it takes care of the issue without us having to do any real work? Do we realize this overshadowing is caused by fear of dealing with the issue, just like confronting somebody face to face, instead of drone bombing them from 5,000 miles away? Does not dealing, cause us to lose before the game even starts? Dealing with our shit head on, is always a good thing. Hey, ripping off a band aid sucks, but only hurts for a minute. Then after, we can revel in the fact we dealt with the issue. Things only get blown out of proportion by generations of neglect, evolution, mutation and metastization, causing everything to be exponentially worse. To avoid this, sometimes we have to choose to be uncomfortable, because the comfort we’ll experience afterward, is unlike anything we’ve felt before. Loving ourselves, means loving our complete selves. Cancer can be treated if caught early enough, so can most issues in life. Attacking others doesn’t make us feel better, it increases our self-hatred. Forever putting things off, ensures a new day is never on the horizon.”

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from the mind of critic: 6/10/19


From the mind of critic:      “If crystal blue persuasion forces us to enjoy the day, does gray fog persuasion force us to hate the day? Do we not automatically see beauty, causing us to think negative vile thoughts, culminating in the belief that beauty isn’t real? Does finding the beauty amongst fog, take much more work than we want or are able to expend at the moment, so we choose the easy way out? Does having that blue sky automatically shift our thinking in a more positive direction, but still doesn’t hand us things we’ve been asking for, because we took the first step and thought it was the only work which had to be done? Life takes effort, nothing is handed to us, and nothing comes without a little heartache. That doesn’t mean we should purposely make things harder for ourselves than the situation calls for, or make it so easy, it shuts off our critical thought. Once we realize that days, like life, all depend on our perceptions, self confidence and love, we’ll see that although nothing is guaranteed, we should feel good on a sunny and blue day, because it will fill our batteries for those foggy days, when we think the world has gone cold. Blue skies smile upon us, when we need a smile. The promise of new is a promise, not a guarantee. If working toward joy is tedious, do we ask ourselves, is it worth it? Taking the easy way out is admitting we can’t outstand the darkness, which precisely causes the light to dim.”

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from the mind of critic: 6/7/19


From the mind of critic:           “If the world is getting warmer as its getting colder, and wouldn’t be much better if it was getting colder as it got warmer, how do we find the correct balance so we’re not too hot and not too cold, but just right? If finding the goldilocks zone of society, self, and the earth is never perfect and never all one way or all another, then by definition wouldn’t balance be impossible to find as well? Both ends of the spectrum may be impossible to quantify, because of constant movement. Maybe this middle ground we’re so desperately searching for is impossible as well. Maybe we’re looking for a fixed point, because of all the hard work we’ve sweat, bled and cried over, that we want to reach a time when we don’t have to work anymore, proudly proclaiming we’ve arrived. Once we realize life is moving no matter what we do to try to slow, stop or speed it up, we’ll see aiming for balance is never a bad thing, but is a constant, every day and every moment struggle for supremacy of ourselves. Which we’ll never proclaim endless victory over, but can greatly increase our chances for a joyful and fulfilled life, the more consciously we act. We want our soul to warm and our earth to cool, but not too much. Life is a teeter totter, not a plank. Love and self kindness, is balance’s fuel. Conscious and constant forward motion, prevents unconscious stagnation and back pedaling.”

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from the mind of critic: 6/6/19


From the mind of critic:               “If we follow our hearts, do we listen to our brain? Opening our eyes and ears is vital to fulfilling our earthly and societal purpose, but none more than opening our minds. It’s a terrible thing to waste, because it’s the one thing that could save us.”

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from the mind of critic: 6/5/19


From the mind of critic:          “If we’re so sick of the way things are, so sick of how humans treat each other, so sick of the rich not only taking advantage of the poor, but playing the poor off each other, so sick of the chiseled, concreted, encased and ingrained generational hate, which not only causes the poor fighting each other to be sustainable, but causes it to be so much what we expect to happen, that “it is what it is” isn’t questioned as a concept, because the alternative would be the chaotic unknown, which only appears scary due to us ignoring it for so long. if we’re that deathly ill, how do we change our situation, not to mention society? Love, truth, humanism and accountability, all through a humanistic lens. Sound difficult? It might be, but will become easier the more we practice, and integrate it into our routine. We’ll watch it go from this weird thing, to just something we do without thinking. We are the people we’ve been looking for, and the cure for what ails us, which won’t be realized, until we love and respect ourselves enough to know, we really are all in this together.”

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from the mind of a critic: 6/4/19


From the mind of critic:        “If life for all intensive purposes is defined as unfair, how come it seems perfectly fair for some? Are results skewed, so as to paint a picture of supreme injustice on one side, and complete wealth dominated power, that seeks to destroy all detractors, even if said detractors are only seen as such, because of overt racist, and bigoted cultural undertones, overtones, and downright ugliness, darkness, violence, persecution, hate and dehumanization on the other? Do we feed into the rhetoric that holds down one group of people, in favor of another? Do we truly understand what it’s like to walk in somebody else’s shoes, or do we keep them at arm’s length, so ignorance turns into fear, which morphs into hate, which evolves into violence? We can make fairness a principle, of course we CAN do anything, as evidenced by all the negativity and darkness permeating our every pore. One thing is for sure, we can always adjust our perceptions, to see not only how our misguided and despicable thoughts and actions have had influence over our current collective predicament, but also how looking in the mirror, can show us how all the inciting vitriol we’re been projecting, is really meant for ourselves, because we really really really hate what we see. We simply need to start loving what we see, by doing only what builds us up, not what tears us down, which we discover is forever linked, and guides our thoughts and actions toward our fellow humans. Go ahead, choose love and gratitude, watch how fast things improve. Like the wise philosophers Led Zeppelin once said, there are two paths to go but in the long run, there’s still time to change the road we’re on.”

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