from the mind of critic-2/4/17

From the mind of critic: “If life is simple and hard at the same time, is it because positive and evolutionary concepts take a while to sink into our life experience? Are some things easier said then done, because speaking involves words flowing out of our mouths, that we may or may not believe, and doing involves action which puts learned skills and overlooked variables on full display? Or is it all just an amalgamation of saying and doing that has no ryhme or reason, only human nature that moves whichever way the wind blows? There are certain things amongst our daily routines and interactions, that are new, and possibly world changing. Many things happen that we can’t explain, don’t wanna explain, don’t know or don’t care about, which effects all of us in different ways. This can cause us to want to learn a new subject or concept, so we can better explain to others and to ourselves what a certain thing is, and how it effects us. The learning process is never a bad thing, as knowledge always has been and always will be the only power that will truly enlighten us all. However, we do ourselves a diservice when we learn something without experiencing it. We might spend all day reading in a book about something and how it effects others, making us think we know everything about it, which shuts off our learning process. This can set us back in our personal evolution process because we don’t truly know, feel and understand what a concept is, because we’ve never experienced it. This doesn’t mean we can’t go back and experience what we learned, it will just be harder and require more effort. Maybe the difference between simple and hard things in life, is the conscious effort we put in. Maybe life gets easier when we get our words to create action” 🙂