from the mind of critic-2/7/17

From the mind of critic: “If we let fear justify any means to our end, are we selling out everything good and hopeful that our soul used to contain? Do we know what we stand for and what we want, but are scared into doing things that are wrong and have a devolving effect, but do them anyway because we might get a chance to reach success in our agenda? Or do we cower in the corner because of somebody who sounds like they know what they’re talking about, when we could pull ourselves out of this corner in a second because these people we listen to only sound like they know what they’re talking about, because we don’t know what we’re talking about? Whether we’re a single parent trying to support our kids, a two income family that is barely scraping by, a successful professional, single, married, belong to any religion or culture, or are even an elected member of the house or senate, we should never let fear dictate our actions. If we’re scared of standing up for what we believe in, because of the intense and unrelenting backlash we’d recieve from those that are more powerful and influential than us, maybe we don’t believe in our principles enough, and don’t desrve our postion. Maybe we have these ideas and thoughts and know how important it is for the world and the country to put them out into the ether, but we don’t because we’re worried how it will personally affect us and our career trajectory. Maybe we’re such wussy babies that we don’t deserve to be in the position we’re in, other than being voted in by people who are bigger wussy babies than us. Listen, we’re all human, and we need to stand up for ourselves because nobody is gonna do it for us. Do we wanna be wussy babies, and let the great amercian experiement be destroyed because we were to chickenshit to do anything about it? Or do we want to stand up and fight for what it actually means to be american? Are we for destruction or creation, it’s that simple?” 🙂