from the mind of critic-2/3/17

From the mind of critic: “If we’re all hypocrites to varying degrees by virtue of being human, because none of us live completely by our principles, how do we know what’s real and what’s fake? If all the competing microcosms of our personal lives that make up the macrocosm of our country and government, are filled with raw data that we’re attempting to analyze, how do we know what to take seriously, and what to shrug off? Since we get bombarded with messages, stories and news 24 hours a day, do we try to pick through all the crap to find the nuggets of humanity and cling to them, because we know mostly crap flows out of the mouth of politicians and presidents requiring us to be vigilant, specifically so we can pick throught the crap? Or do we not pick through the crap because it’s like picking a needle out of a 1000 acre field of haystacks, which causes us to move toward those who appeal to our emotions? Do politicians act like they know what they’re talking about, because we do the same? Do politicians know what they’re talking about, and use it to disgiuse what they really think, just like we do? All the fights and skirmishes amongst politicians in washington, only happen because of our skirmishes amongst each other. All sides see their treatment as unfair, and want action taken that will give them the advantage. We all create our own reality, by using people and experiences to decide what’s true to us. This truth is our truth, not the truth. However, facts are something we try to create ourselves, but are things we all have a hand in creating. Facts are the macrocosm of all our individual truth microcosms. To identify the facts and not just our truth, we have to take in everybodys experiences, not just our own” 🙂