from the mind of critic-2/2/17

From the mind of critic: “If we as a country have chosen or been forced to swallow the red pill that sent us down the rabbit hole in the last election, are we surprised at the rabbit hole’s breadth and depth? Do we believe we have contributed to its size, turning a blind eye with our inaction and nuetrality for so long, that we can no longer sweep it under the rug due to it’s sheer size? Or do we believe we have nothing to do with it, that the rabbithole was designed, built and maintained wholly without our knowledge, and it has nothing to do with our day to day lives and routines? Any of us that have paid attention for any length of time, know that the bold, radical, evil and facist acts now being undertaken, have always been done. The difference now is that the people currently in power, want to do everything out in the open. Maybe we’ve contributed to this outpouring of overtness by knowing these things have been happening, but didnt do anything to stop them. Maybe we didn’t know it was happening because we internalized the ignorance and blind loyalty that officeholders have beat into our heads. Maybe if we would have involved ourselves sooner, we could have prevented the rabbithole from metastisizing to the point where it turned into a terminal illness. It is helpful to look at history, to see where we may have gone wrong, and what lessons we can glean so we can finnaly learn them. What isn’t helpful is looking back and wishing we could turn back the clock, to a time when everything was easier and simpler. This was also a time when we were more blinded to what’s going on, a time that might have been good for us, but not somebody else. When we realize the past is helpful for gleaning lessons but not for living in, we’ll see that the more we concentrate on the here and now, the more we can brighten our future. If we created the rabbit hole, we can also destroy it. Once it’s gone, which one could argue has already been done given our current overtness, we can act, or be silent. In the coming years, we might be completely destroyed, or we can create something more beautiful than our wildest dreams. Do we want to continue to wear our current frown, or do we wanna turn that frown upside down?” 🙂