From The Mind Of Critic-10/1/16

From the mind of critic: “If doing what we’ve always done gets us what we’ve always got, does doing something different guarantee we’ll get different results? If we change our routine even by the slightest measure, will the outcome be different by virtue of different variables going into the equation? Or is it all basically chaos, and the best we can hope for is a higher percentage chance at success if we change things up? Doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results, is the defintion of insanity. Which might help explain why things have gotten so insane with our world and our government. However, some our greatest inventors, social movements, activists, thinkers and heroes were only successful because they never gave up. Sure, people told them they are crazy for doing something over and over again, expecting it to eventually work out after having failed so many times. They would never have succeeded though if they heeded the advice. They felt in their hearts, minds and the deepest part of their souls they were doing the right thing, and eventually their dreams would turn into reality, because the energy driving them was bigger than themselves. Quantifying that energy, whether somebody actually has it, or is just on drugs or dense, is impossible. The best we can do, is what our heart and soul tells us, and then don’t stop doing it. We might not ever have guaranteed success, but we will have guaranteed fulfillment” 🙂