From The Mind Of Critic-9/30/16

From the mind of critic: “If we hated waking up early for school, but never had a problem sitting in front of the T.V. at 6am on saturday mornings to watch cartoons, did it breed in us an attitude that we only do what we want, and never what we need? Do we wake up everyday and only do what we want because it’s instant gratification, that makes us happy right now, instead of doing what we need to do, so we survive in the long run? Or do we understand the balance we must live with needs and wants, so that we are joyful and fulfilled to the point where we could wake up at anytime, on any day and smile because we know we’re walking the right path? My mom has told me for years, that we have to do what we need to do, specifically so we can do what we want to do. That we must lay the groundwork, a strong foundation to build our life from. Once we have this strong start, not only will we feel like we earned the good things in life, but we will feel confident about doing what we want, because we’re put the work in. However, if we only pay attention to our needs and never our wants, we will live joyless, lonely lives. Always striving to get a little further ahead of our neighbor, who we find ourselves getting increasingly jealous of. We can find balance, we can succeed, we can acheive our dreams. We just have to afford ourselves the oppurtunity” 🙂