from the mind of critic-2/3/19

From the mind of critic:     “If competition is defined as the opposite of peace of mind, does it inherently pit us against each other? Does it teach kids from a young age, that the only way to get ahead is to be better than the person next to us, and if we aren’t constantly moving up the ladder, we’re sliding down? Does it teach kids they’re never good enough, even if they strive for more? Is laziness, inaction and indifference linked with not striving, because not being satisfied with who we are, where we are and what we are makes us curl up and make a permanent home in our cocoon, never looking to improve? Does this make peace of mind sound like fru fru language, which sadly attempts to obscure stagnation, or does peace of mind not cause inaction, but builds a foundation of gratitude for where we’ve been and where we are, because it’s the motivational fuel to get us where we’re going? Competition isn’t bad, and neither is peace of mind. It’s only when they’re used as an excuse to flip our nose up at somebody, that we become a mutated, festering sore of our former self; kind of like fundamentalists clinging to any religion they can get their hands on, as an excuse to commit violent acts they were going to commit anyway. But I digress. Today is the Super Bowl, the biggest, most watched spectacle in all of sports. Competition is on the mind of all of us. Just like everything has a good and bad side, competition can teach kids they can be better than previously thought, and peace of mind can teach kids they can be happy with exactly who they are. Maybe that’s it, we just need to combine the two. Call it competitive peace of mind, no that doesn’t sound right. Maybe we just teach kids that when they’re happy with who they are, and grateful for what they have, it gives them the motivation to strive for more. This is because they’ve seen, understand, and are grateful for how far they’ve come; making them see how much better they’ve gotten, and how much better they can get, specifically because they’re grateful for their journey, not their destination. Competition can make us step on each other’s necks, or it can make us love each other because we realize we’re all competing. Peace of mind only causes inaction, if it’s based on ignorance. Gratitude and striving are symbiotic, because we couldn’t have one without the other. Cruel kids only become cruel adults, when competition squashes gratitude because of low self-esteem. We all get ahead when we all get ahead doesn’t mean we’re all winners, just that we helped each other along the way.” ?

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