from the mind of critic: 2/2/19

From the mind of critic:
“If we’ve elected leaders who espouse racial equality, do honest work to bring communities together, and inject as much inclusiveness into their staff and/or administration as possible to serve as an example of harmony, while pictures, videos, and first person testimonials of racist acts and portrayals surface, does all that good work get thrown out the window? Are resignations demanded from all sides of the aisle, only demanded from the official’s own party to save face for supporting them, or the opposition party jumping on the accusatory bandwagon without looking at the evidence, because they see blood in the water? Is there a statute of limitations on racist acts, or is it like murder, no matter how long it takes to bring somebody to justice, or mountains of evidence and witness statements which require documenting, they will be uncovered for not only the heinous act or crime they committed, but for the double life they’ve lived for so long? Racism, is racism, is racism, period. If you dressed up in Nazi uniforms, KKK robes, black face, or even confederate generals notorious for their brutal violence against anybody who wasn’t a white male protestant, you’re a racist. No matter how long ago it was, and what supposed personal reforms have been enacted, you should never be elected to office. If you were lucky enough to squirm your way through the cracks, you should resign immediately. There are no excuses that can be made for you to hold your elected job, because the vast majority of the population is going to look at their neighbors with contempt and suspicion, but also themselves, questioning everything they thought they knew about being a good person. We don’t need liars and false prophets, we need truth tellers from the salt of the earth. A wolf in sheep’s clothing, is worse than if the actual wolf tapped you on the shoulder and said, hello. We can’t evolve past problems of the past, until we recognize the full permeation of their evilness. We all did things in the past we’re not proud of, but if we only admit our deeds after being caught, despite years of perfecting our new persona, then we aren’t actually sorry, we’re just sorry people were offended.”?