from the mind of critic-8/17/17

From the mind of critic: “If bread and circuses weld us into survival mode, can humanism and accountability cut through? Is the person we trust to cure our societal blindness, the same person who welded in bread and circuses in the first place? Are there outside forces trying to convince us that this cure is fake, because they know it has a great chance of succeeding? Success is a subjective term like love, hate, joy and sadness. This doesn’t mean success isn’t real, it means only we determine when something is for our personal and collective uplift. Control of the powerless by the powerful, has been levied ever since humans started walking upright. The apathy and complacency that allows us to live our life and make the best out of a bad situation, is exactly what cements our role of being controlled. We destroy this cycle by standing up, speaking out and loving our fellow humans like our species depends on it, because the vampires at the top never get enough blood. We break bread and circuses, by actually breaking bread with our neighbors, and realizing how much of a circus our life has become.” 🙂