from the mind of critic-8/15/17

From the mind of critic: “When the answers to deep seeded problems only lead to more questions, are we discouraged from standing up? If the light at the end of the tunnel is like the furthest point we can see on the horizon, which doesn’t get any further away, but doesn’t get closer the more steps we take toward it, are we discouraged from standing up? If the the darkness is getting darker, is it because of fear that the light is taking over? The sure sign of knowledge, is that there’s alot left to learn. Just because we don’t know why racist nazi scum would feel emboldened to walk down the street with assault rifles, in a self-proclaimed action to carry out Trump’s agenda, doesn’t mean we don’t ask. Once we identify the right questions, we’ll realize that we might have known the answer all along, but we’re afraid to admit we did. This personal fear over the ugliness we’ve always known was there, overpowered our love, humanism, accountability and critical thinking that could have not only prevented this current pot of hate from boiling over, but could have squashed it into a corner like it should have been years ago. Questions might only lead to more questions, but if we stop asking, the darkest parts of our journey will take control. We fight hate and darkness, by standing with love and light, and keep standing until the entire world is engulfed.” 🙂