from the mind of critic-8/12/17

From the mind of critic: “If life speeds by so fast when we’re older, that years melt together when we look back, and life crawls so slowly when we’re younger, that years seem like centuries when we look forward, is it ever possible to find a common ground? Is the definition of balancing the fast and slow, simply called living in the moment? Whether we have tons of memories because we’re old, or we’re planning for memories because we’re young, we must be conscious of what’s in front of our face. We stay conscious by feeling gratitude for everything we have, helping us to feel and utilize each and every moment. Once our energy is raised, it gives us the motivation to strive for more, and become the the most loving, peaceful and fulfilled human being we could possibly be. The idea is not to always look forward or always look back, but to look in front. Whether we’re old or young and want to slow down or speed up, the more we build memories now, the closer our goldilocks zone becomes.” 🙂