from the mind of critic-8/11/17

From the mind of critic: “If change doesn’t happen unless we rock the boat, do we get seasick? Does rocking the boat make us naseous, as oppossed to doing nothing so we ride the same old calm seas? Do things have to get worse so we can see how bad things are, before things get better and we see how good things can be? The amount of boat rocking needed, is equal to the size of change. While the size of change is completely subjective, we must always be ready to be uncomfortable in the short run, so we can be comfortable in the long run. This is the essence of gratitude, because we use what we have to strive for more, instead of what we don’t have which doesn’t get us anywhere. Once we get over the fact that rocking the boat will make somebody sick, we’ll see that once consciousness, humanism and accountability is adjusted to, we feel better than we ever have before. Remembering whay we rocked the boat, is like nature’s dramamine, and will keep us from getting seasick.” 🙂