from the mind of critic-8/3/17

From the mind of critic: “Does everything have to be uncomfortable, before it’s comfortable? Do we have to endure enormous hardships, specifically so we don’t take the good times for granted? Do we have to learn lessons we’ve been escaping for years, which are infinitely more vibrant because we’ve escaped them? Do we have to get over the fact that we aren’t the best and don’t know eveyrthing, so we can help others discover the same concept? Whether it’s old vs. young, man vs. woman, liberal vs, conservative or any other countless arbitrary battle, we all must endure a changing and evolving world if we want to accomplish anything. Once we see that we’re all going through the same struggle to leave a positive mark, we’ll see it’s the common thread that holds us together as humans. Once we see that, we’ll realize that we can’t shy away from challenges if there’s light on the other side. We’ll also see that if something moving us forward isn’t difficult, we don’t have to purposely make it harder, just to convince ourselves we deserve it. Which is one more collective human roadblock we must get over. Turning self sabotage into self motivation is hard, but becomes easier when we open our eyes to how beautiful the world really is.” 🙂