from the mind of critic-8/2/17

From the mind of critic: “If we see smoke everywhere but can’t find the gun, will we forever chase our tail? Do we begin questioning our sanity, worldview, perceptions and choices if the smoke hitting us in the face gets thicker and thicker, with nary a gun to be found? Do we push harder to plow our way trhough the smoke, because we know the more it billows, the stronger the fire is and the closer we are to it? We all know the phrase, there’s what we know to be true, and what we can prove in court. When we see things we know to be true because we witnessed them with our own eyes, then get backed up numerous stories and anticdotes, we start believing it in our heart to be true. This can cause signs, symbols and leads to show up, because our preception is colored, and our mission focused. We must remember that if we don’t find answers soon enough, we can’t give up. Granted, not every wild goose chase ends with a big payoff. However, if something is hidden from public view for the sole reason of covering something up, those doing the cover up will distract us with whatever they think of. They will stop at nothing to make us hit dead ends, and if we happen to bust through, they will attempt to make us appear insane. Maybe their real power is making us think we’re insane. Whether or not we find the smoking gun or the fire is beside the point. We can’t let the bad actors in this world crush our goodness. We spread it to others, when we get them to believe the same thing.” 🙂