from the mind of critic-8/4/17

From the mind of critic: “If we get upset that our politicians are doing crazy things, do we get upset at ourselves for the same reason? If we see our President, Senator, Congressman, County Supervisor or Mayor circumventing the law to serve their own interests, do we realize we’re doing the same thing? If we hate politicians but love our person, are we sunconsciously admitting that we don’t care about anybody not in our inner circle? One of the biggest things we can do as humans to further our evolution, is to get out of our way by realizing that we’re not the center of the universe. This self imposed roadblock grows exponentially when we reach elected office, and self-aggrandizement kicks in. All the self loathing, low self-esteem and pissing contests that we endure as civilians, becomes magnified when we realize we have control over others. We start cutting others down to build ourselves up, but on a scale that drives us in the exact oppossite direction of what all men are created equal is suppossed to mean. To fix our politics, we have to fix ourselves. To do that, we must not be afraid to wave at a stranger walking down the street. They might be the person meant to guide us in the positive direction we’ve been searching for.” 🙂