from the mind of critic-2/23/17

From the mind of critic: “If we feel like we’re floating around in life, clinging to things in a miniscule amount compared to the barrage that flys by our face on a 24-7 basis, do we feel alone because we don’t have a grip on everything, while everybody else seems to be gripping tight? Do we feel our struggle is unique, and that there must be something wrong with us because we’re the only ones going through it? Or do we see that our struggle isn’t unique, and that we aren’t alone because nobody has a grip on everything, no matter how much they portray the image that they do? The Doors might have said that faces come out of the rain when you’re strange, but Jim Morrison didn’t take into account that we’re all strange, and that when it rains, it falls on all of us. We’re all part of the same struggle, where we’re all scratching and clawing to find our place. Some of us might be at different stages of our journey, but we’re all trying to get past the same obstacles, and all trying to succeed because we want to be needed, and we want to matter. What can keep us down, is the thought that all other people know what they’re talking about because they’re better than us, smarter and more successful. Once we realize that just because somebody is more successful or are portraying that they’re smarter or more satisfied with their life, doesn’t mean they actually are, we’ll see that we’re all floating around amidst the chaos, trying to soak in as much good stuff as we can, fwhile iguring things out along the way. Will we all figure it out, maybe, we’ll never know until we try. However, we never need to feel alone because we’re floating around, we need to feel part of the crowd specifically because we’re all floating around. We’re all unique, and somehow we’re all the same” 🙂