from the mind of critic-2/24/17

From the mind of critic: “If a tree falls in the forest, does it make a sound? Does it make a sound so loud and thunderous, that it’s heard around the world? Or does the sound indeed happen, but doesn’t effect anything around it, causing life to continue moving forward as if no sound was made at all? The old cliche of a tree falling in the woods is something all of us heard a thousand times, but it doesn’t make it any less true. Sounds happen all the time whether we hear them or not. Sometimes we’re just out enjoying the day, and are surprised by a sound we’ve never heard before. Does the fact that we’ve never heard make it fake? Do we instantly feel uneasy, like there could be many more unknown sounds out there, that would flip our world upside down if we analyzed them for more than 2 seconds? Or do we feel excited and eager specifically because there are more unknowns out there, that will drive us forward to heights we never thought possible, basically suprising ourselves because we went into the situation completely without pre-concieved notions? While we can be startled and shocked by things we’ve never heard before, we can also be motivated and driven. Granted if more people are around to hear something, it will have much more effect, and could cause more people to be shocked and/or motivated. The same fallacy of one person can’t change the world, is the same as a tree falling in the woods. Both have sounds and effects, which are greatly effected by how many people hear them. The fallacy of these phrases is that the more poeple hear them, the more believe them. One lone person can’t change the world, but many “one persons” can, just like if many trees fell at the same time, people would hear them everywhere. As we journey, there will be people who tell us we can’t make change, That we could scream from the rooftops at the top of our lungs, and nobody will hear us. Once we realize that the people who tell us that are those who don’t want us to heard, we’ll see that singing loudly and proudly is not only our right, but our duty. We will be heard, as long as we don’t allow anybody to shut us up” 🙂