from the mind of critic-2/22/17

From the mind of critic: “If we all sat through puppet shows when we were younger, whether we liked them or not, did we understand the concepts they portrayed? Did we just view it as a fun scene, with characters who had adventures, and taught us valuable life lessons complete with a quick summary at the end about how the whole story was one big moral metaphor? Or did we see these fun characters portraying a story, lessons and guidelines of as successful life for what it really was, somebody behind the scenes pulling the strings, making the charcaters do this and that, while portraying a story that says one thing, but is actually a giant distraction controlled by somebody who thinks we can’t see the strings they’re pulling, or their hand up the puppets backside? We could always make the argument that all of have strings that are pulled by somebody. That all of us are pulled in directions that we don’t want to go, by forces we can’t fully control. The fact that powerful people are having their strings pulled by even more powerful people, is played out in song and dance, performed to dictract us from what’s actually happening, which isn’t a new concept. The fact that the wool is being pulled over our eyes, and we aren’t doing anything about it when it’s this balatant and in our face, is a new concept. This is a conceot bred in since we were young, that by the time we are voting adults, we think that’s just the way things are. Once we realize that we’re taught from the beginning to not see the strings being pulled or the man behind the curtain, but the singing dancing clowns doing stupid things right in front of us, we’ll see see our elected officials including our current president will engage in ridculous and off the wall acts, only to distract us from seeing what they’re really up to. Puppet shows provide entertainment whe we’re younger, and politics when we’re older. As long as we never lose sight of the strings, we’ll see how to cut them and make sure they never attach thremselves again. We need to stop being each other’s puppets, and start being each other’s counterparts” 🙂