From The Mind Of Critic-9/10/16

From the mind of critic: “If there are so many violent people in prison, and so many non-violent people out of prison, how come so many people got let out for non-violent offenses, while many people on the outside commit violence with impunity? Have the private prison industry and the prison industrial complex become so rich and politically connected, that they have flipped the script, and the only people who go to jail, are the ones who can’t fight back, which also are the ones that swell the CEO’S pocketbooks? While the people who deserve to be in jail, aren’t, because their power and influence have been woven so deep into our society, that if the CEO’S did jail them, they would be taking money out of their own wallets? I am all for regulated capitalism, it helps push people forward, and helps them make it on their own. However, there are some things in life that should never have a profit motive, prisons being chief among them. A corrupt and morally bankcrupt society is one where the few control the many, and subjugate them for as much financial gain as they can squeeze out. This is not to say there are no violent people in prison, because there definitely is. But, when poor and non-violent people are kept in prison, and rich, violent and well connected people will never see the inside of prison walls, both for financial gain, our priorities are totally backwards. How do we stop moving backwards, and instead stand up and move forward? We point out hypocrisy whenever we see it. It could save our lives one day” 🙂

From The Mind Of Critic – 9/9/16

From the mind of critic: “If the secret to life is happiness, but happines comes in different forms for different people, are we still the same basic people? If we are all unique snowflakes, aren’t we all still snow? Do we divide ourselves up into groups, because it makes it easier to travel our path when the people around us are more like us? Or do we simply move forward consciously, and notice that we’re much more successful when we utilize people when they come in and out of our lives at certain times, for certain reasons? We are sall truggling to find the light, that will illuminate our souls with pure joy. Sometimes we think we’re in it alone. Sometimes we see all the other people that are searching for joy, and think how can we find ours, if so many people are looking for theirs? How will there be any left for us? This is when we might divide up into us and them. We might think we have a better chance of finding what we’re looking for, if we prevent others from finding what their looking for, maybe because we think there is only a finite amount of joy out there. We must remember that the volume of joy in our world is as infinite as we allow it to be. And the more we find, the more we realize that our joy is linked to others joy. Division might serve short term happiness, but true inner joy is found through unification” 🙂

From The Mind Of Critic – 9/8/16

From the mind of critic: “If we can see clearly now because the rain is gone, does that guarantee we will journey along the right path? If we can see all the obstacles in our way, are we guaranteed to find a way around them as we journey that right path? If we are consciously trying to be better humans now by taking care of ourselves, each other and our planet, are we guaranteed that things will work to our benefit? No matter how clearly we see our path, or the obstackes along that path, our success, fulfillment, love, satisfaction and importance to the breadth of humankind, are never guaranteed no matter how conscious we are. Granted, finding our way, and our impediments are the first step. But they are only the first step, which take conscious choice to continue moving forward. Since life is always and forever a journey, and never a destination, there doesn’t ever come a time when our work is done, when we can just sit back and relax because all our impediments are illuminated. We must continue making the right choices, because choice is the true determining factor in our direction. Nothing in life is guaranteed in life anymore, not even death and taxes. The more we’re aware of our roadblocks along the way, the much better chance we have at finding joy. And arent those the type of odds we should be betting on?” 🙂

From The Mind Of Critic – 9/7/16

From the mind of critic: “If love is really all we need to survive, don’t we need money for food, water and shelter? Can money clear the obstructions, so love can be injected into the heart of the system? Or can love clear the obstructions, eliminating the need for money in the first place? Before I start I have to say, food, water can be obtained for free, there is no denying that. But all the people who complain that people won’t work if they get free handouts all the time, never once put themselves in the shoes of the poor, and would completely change their tune if they ever found themselves in that position. Ok, back to the chicken and the egg, does love bring money, or can money introduce love? There can be many roadblocks hindering our progress, love can break down some, and money can break down some, but neither one can do the job fully by themselves. We need to balance love and money to survive, just like everything else in life. The argument that money only exists because we have faith in it, is the same one for love. Isn’t having equal faith in love and money so we can not only survive, but live a joyful and fulfilling life, the very definition of trust the process?”:)

From The Mind Of Critic – 9/6/16

From the mind of critic: “If we’ve grown up with the old saying from our parents, do as I say not as I do, do we become adults that always expect our actions to be excused? Do we accept zero responsibility for those actions, because we said what the right thing would have been, even though we failed to do it? Or do we learn that thoughts create words, words create actions, and when our parents gave us this advice years ago, they were only doing it to excuse their own actions, because they couldn’t explain or excuse away, which is the entire reason they said the thing in the first place? We all had to endure events from our childhood we’re not proud of, some of them we downright despise. But as we journey forward, if we wanna live a productive, healthy and fulfilling life, we have to make the choices that will introduce the actions that move us forward. Regardless of what happened to us, we are responsible for our actions, period. We can’t just ignore bad actions we’ve taken, just because we said we would do something different. If we truly wanna live better lives than our parents, we must never try to explain our actions away, but make the right choices that spawn the right actions from the very beginning” 🙂

From The Mind Of Critic – 9/3/16

From the mind of critic: “If there are 2 paths we can travel in life, what’s to say there isn’t 3 or 8, or 12 for that matter? What if there is an infinite number of paths, each with an infinite number of sub paths? Do all of these countless ways we can journey make our mind spin out of control, paralyzing our actions because we wanna do everything all at once? Or do we notice all of life’s possibilities, and don’t let them overwhelm us because we know real progress is made one step at a time? Sometimes we view society and the world and see all the million things that could be better, and the million solutions to make it better, and it’s to much for us to handle, so we end up doing nothing. It is the same with life, and our journeys trajectory. This is when we have to slow down and pick one thing, then take the steps to make it happen. Then we pick the next thing, and so on. There are so many positive things we could be doing, that we’re always better off doing somehting than doing nothing. It doesn’t matter which path out of the million we choose, as long as we choose our direction. We might not always choose the right path, but if we let somebody else choose it for us, it’s sure to be the wrong one” 🙂

From The Mind Of Critic – 9/2/16

From the mind of critic: “Is the reason we set goals so we constantly have something to shoot for, and have motivation to keep us moving forward? Do we set goals that are so far away, so far down the road and so much work that their unacheivable? Do we do this to personally sabotage ourselves so we never actually acheive anything, and can stay comfortably in our inbedded cycle of poor me? Or do we set our goals high because we wanna acheive great things, knowing that in the pursuit of our dreams we will probably do things we previously never thought possible? There are many things we wanna do and acheive in our short time on this planet. We all must be grateful for what we currently have, while at the same time set goals born out of our dreams. This gratitude is the motivation to keep us acheiveing, even if our goals seem far off, and we’ve convinced ourselves we can’t get there. It’s important to not self sabotage, by setting ourselves up to fail when attempting impossible things. However, the more gratitude we hold in our heart and soul, the more we will surprise ourselves” 🙂

From The Mind Of Critic – 9/1/16

From the mind of critic: “Do we believe it’s always sunnier on the other side of the street, because that’s what we’ve always been told? Do we believe the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence, because that’s what we’ve always been told? Or do we believe there is always somebody out there better than us, because it prevents us from obsessing about unacheivable goals? There are many things in life we think and believe, because that’s the way it’s always been. We cocoon ourselves in comfortable ruts, which can dispel the reason to question why things are the way they are. If we did question, we’d realize other people think we’re better than them, just like we think they’re better than us. Basically it’s all about perspective, the sun is only sunnier and the grass greener, depending on the angle we see it at. If we don’t believe in ourselves, everything and everybody will appear better than us all the time. But if we do believe in ourselves, people will still appear better from time to time, but we will posess the self-esteem fueled energy, to acheive what we never thought possible” 🙂

From The Mind Of Critic – August 31st, 2016

From the mind of critic: “If there is no such thing as a stupid question, how come sometimes questions are asked not to elicit a response filled with information we actually wanna know, but just to make the other person feel bad? Is asking a question when we already know the answer the definition of a stupid question, because we’re wasting everybody’s time? Or is the term stupid subjective, changing it’s meanings at the flip of a coin, depending on who is asking, what they know, what their intent is, and if they’re running for office? We’ve all heard the old saying that there are no stupid questions, which goes with the assumption that stupid people don’t ask questions, traveling along in their ignorance of how the status quo is destroying society. Maybe stupid people spit out every thought in their head without thinking about context. Maybe smart people stay silent and observe, waiting for the full picture to emerge before they express themselves. or maybe there is no black and white answer to anything ever, and that is the real determining factor between smarts and stupidity. Saying what we think and asking questions for needed information, is only stupid if we’re doing it non-authentically” 🙂

From The Mind Of Critic – August 30th, 2016

From the mind of critic: “If we have little pet peeves in life, do we allow them to get to us, and make us fly off the handle? Does something completely preventable, keep happening over and over and over and over again with us mentioning it every time, but nothing seems to change? Do we let this thing affect us, changing our personality from genuinely nice person into raving lunatic? Or do we take in this information that has flowed to us a million times before, but realize that the only thing that’s guaranteed to change is our reactions? Many things out in the world can piss us off something fierce, whether it be politics, religion, the media, something our lover did, or something our coworker did. These forces attempt on a 24-7 365 basis to throw us off track, sterering us away from the light and into the darkness. These dark forces will only get stronger the closer we get to the light, which means we have to be ready. We must allow pet peeves and darkness in for them to affect us, but it’s the exact same concept with the light. We just have to ask ourselves, what will bring us more inner joy and fulfillment?” 🙂