From The Mind Of Critic – 9/6/16

From the mind of critic: “If we’ve grown up with the old saying from our parents, do as I say not as I do, do we become adults that always expect our actions to be excused? Do we accept zero responsibility for those actions, because we said what the right thing would have been, even though we failed to do it? Or do we learn that thoughts create words, words create actions, and when our parents gave us this advice years ago, they were only doing it to excuse their own actions, because they couldn’t explain or excuse away, which is the entire reason they said the thing in the first place? We all had to endure events from our childhood we’re not proud of, some of them we downright despise. But as we journey forward, if we wanna live a productive, healthy and fulfilling life, we have to make the choices that will introduce the actions that move us forward. Regardless of what happened to us, we are responsible for our actions, period. We can’t just ignore bad actions we’ve taken, just because we said we would do something different. If we truly wanna live better lives than our parents, we must never try to explain our actions away, but make the right choices that spawn the right actions from the very beginning” 🙂