From The Mind Of Critic-9/10/16

From the mind of critic: “If there are so many violent people in prison, and so many non-violent people out of prison, how come so many people got let out for non-violent offenses, while many people on the outside commit violence with impunity? Have the private prison industry and the prison industrial complex become so rich and politically connected, that they have flipped the script, and the only people who go to jail, are the ones who can’t fight back, which also are the ones that swell the CEO’S pocketbooks? While the people who deserve to be in jail, aren’t, because their power and influence have been woven so deep into our society, that if the CEO’S did jail them, they would be taking money out of their own wallets? I am all for regulated capitalism, it helps push people forward, and helps them make it on their own. However, there are some things in life that should never have a profit motive, prisons being chief among them. A corrupt and morally bankcrupt society is one where the few control the many, and subjugate them for as much financial gain as they can squeeze out. This is not to say there are no violent people in prison, because there definitely is. But, when poor and non-violent people are kept in prison, and rich, violent and well connected people will never see the inside of prison walls, both for financial gain, our priorities are totally backwards. How do we stop moving backwards, and instead stand up and move forward? We point out hypocrisy whenever we see it. It could save our lives one day” 🙂