from the mind of critic-1/21/17

From the mind of critic: “If we long for yesterday, because we believe times were so much better, do we long for tomorrow for the same reason? Are we so upset, angry and hurt about how bad things currently are, that we want to turn back the clock to a time when we think those things didnt exist? Or is the anger we feel now so strong, that we see wanting to turn back the clock as why we’re at this moment, and the only rational thought we have is not how much worse are things going to get, but how much better are we going to make things because we’re all awake? We’re screwed, we’re doomed and there is no hope for the future, so why should we even pay attention? We should just turn off, and tune out. This may be the feeling of many of us, as we embark on the presidency of a man, that just thinking about him as president, or seeing him as such, kinda makes me vomit in my mouth. What prevents me from doing so is not an iron stomach, but the thought that the world of our dreams, and a country that represents all its people, is well within our grasp. You might ask, how can that be when it looks like the utmost extreme of every department is going to destroy all the safety nets, the environmental regulations and half the government itself, so they can give more money to the top 1/10th of 1%. I see a brighter future in all that, because it’s a chance to put down for good all the deep dark things that have been thought and done behind closed doors, that is now being done out in the open. This is a grand collective opportunity to make our lives better, and squash negativity. If we tune out even more than we did before or for the first time, we are playing right into their hands. This will cause them to put their plans into maximum overdrive, because it is exactly what they want. We musn’t long for yesterday or for tomorrow, but we must long for today. Taking action to better all of us will be our only thought, as giving up won’t be an option” 🙂