from the mind of critic-1/20/17

From the mind of critic: “Whether we want to say happy inauguration day or happy GDMF day, how can we come together? Whether we want to completely blow up the system, or simply want to make the system work better for all of us, how can we come together? When some of us don’t take the new president seriously most of the time, but cheer him on other times, and some of us know he has no public elected or military experience, hence no public record to analyze, hence we take his words and previous actions seriously because there is nothing else to analyze, how can we come together? When some of us whole heartedly support the new president because we either agree with what he’s trying to pull, or don’t understand, or care what he’s trying to pull because we’ve been stripped down to our core, so we think that everybody that looks or thinks different is out to get us, and those of us who either know what he’s trying to pull and will fight tooth and nail against it, or we know what he is trying to pull is nothing new, but has never been done this overtly, how can we come together? When something very few of us saw happening today, Janurary 20th, 2017, there is a huge colelctive “how did we get here” air floating around. I’m not going to list all the reasons we should have seen this coming, all the issues we never fully dealt with and continued to kick down the road for generations, would take a volume of books. However, once we see that we’re being controlled by the elite through the few crumbs they allow us to have, which cause us to divide into racial, religious and ethinc tribes, we’ll see we’re the same people with the same issues. We can come together, when we realize we’re all in the same boat” 🙂