from the mind of critic-1/7/16

From the mind of critic: “If money is the root of all evil, does it make it so having all the money in the world is a better determining fcator of our inherent character, then if we had no money at all? Would we portray the most honest version of ourselves, if we could do whatever we wanted? Or would a more honest version be portrayed, if we had no means and could hardly do anything? Rethorical questions and exercises help us prepare for all sorts of life situations, especially when determining what kind of person we are, and what kind of person we’d like to be. Do we want to be honest and trustworthy, or do we wanna be liars and unreliable are things we all need to ask. Would we make the right desicions and do good for humanity and the planet, if we could buy and sell everybody and everything, therefore moving pieces around and creating new ones, so the system works better for everyone, no matter what we look like, what we believe or who we choose to love? Or would we make the right desicions for the good of humanity, if we had to rely on person to person interactions, and show people such a balance of tolerance, acceptance, love and kindness, along with the courage to power through to make our dreams come true, so the people we come into contact with wouldn’t be able to avoid spreading that to everybody they come into contact with? Once we realize that money or the lack there of isn’t a character determinant, we’ll see the only true measure is kindness to ourselves and others. We just have to ask ourselves how we’d like to be treated” 🙂