from the mind of critic-1/6/17

From the mind of critic: “Does one plus one always equal two, or does it sometimes equal one? Does bringing two things together always keep them seprate entities, unable to combine because of what makes them similar? Or can two completely seprate entities combine to make one, when they find they can coalesce around similarities, and balance each other out around differences? We all come from different backgrounds, cultures, upbringings, environments, religions, and poltical belief structures. However, we all come from the same human beginings, and we all strive for the same basic things. We all want love, peace and security, and we all want to make a difference. In these turbulent times, when so many of us are at each others throats, it seems like we’ll never be able to unite, and become one powerful unit to affect positive change for us all. It seems we are so different, and we are being pulled from all the positive gains we’ve made as a community. However, once we realize we’re happier, more prosperous and more productive when all of us are, we’ll see that dividing people into different groups because they believe differently, doesn’t mean they’re threatening us. It means we’re threatening ourselves. One plus one does equal one, when we see ourselves as equal to all other ones. This isn’t math, this is the future construct of our species. Seperate but equal is never equal, equal is equal becaue it’s equal. We can unite when we see all of us are a part of all of us. We add to each other, we don’t subtract” 🙂