from the mind of critic-12/28/16

From the mind of critic: “If money only exists as a concept because we put our faith in it that it does, but it’s also the root of all evil, does that mean evil only exists because we put our faith in it as well? Does goodness only exist because we put our faith in it that it does? Or do both goodness and evil exist because we put our faith in both equally, and both would dissappear if we favored one over the other? It’s amazing the things we can get so hung up on, because of the real world applications of them slapping us in the face. Paper and plastic money allow us to go, do and buy things that seem real, but lose their validity when we realize that we could be using shells and rocks for currency as well. Evil exists because we feed it, ignore it’s buildup and then blame the other side when it explodes on the scene. Maybe we thought we were too good which made us weak, and to defeat the darkside we must become part of the darkside. Maybe we think we’re too evil, which made us strong, so to hang on to afleeting, short lasting power, we become more evil until we become the people we used to fight against. One we fully realize what “we create our own reality” really means, we’ll see that if we believe something is real, it is, just like what we believe isn’t real. However, if there are positive changes we wanna make, we just have to have faith and believe in that better world. Once we truly believe, the positive world we imagine becomes a reality through every thought and action we take, whether we are cognizant of it or not. Being the change we wanna see, starts with us believing and having faith in that positive change. We just have to remember what’s for our highest good, is also for everyone else’s. We all succeed when we all picture that positive world existing” 🙂