from the mind of critic-12/27/16

From the mind of critic: “If we don’t know what’s truly possible until we try, how come we try to convince ourselves that we do? Are we trying to get an idea of what’s possible by getting advice and words of wisdom from others, while also taking into account our strengths and weaknesses, using all that to make an educated guess? Or do we take in all the advice and pay attention to our weaknesses, but forget about our strengths and what we’ve accomoplished in the past, which causes us to put ourselves down and think we’re not good enough? Many of us don’t know what it means to surprise ourselves, until we realize that we still have the ability. We constantly analyze and reanalyze our thoughts and actions, whether we realize it or not. Which too much over thinking can serve to take away positives, because only the bad possibilities linger at the end after all other possibilities are exhausted. However, some analyzation is a good thing because it reminds us how good we have it, and what’s possible when we get out of our own way. Finding that balance between over analyzing and negativity and under analyzing and negativity, can be hard. Just like anything though, we get better with practice. Once we find the goldilocks zone of analyzing, we’ll see that not only can we surprise ourselves, but we can also move the goalposts as to what’s possible. Trying something new can be hard because it’s moving into the unknown. But it becomes much less scary when we see it’s the process of moving forward, which is always better than over analyzing and moving backward, right?” 🙂