from the mind of critic: 2/14/20


From the mind of critic: “If hindsight is 20-20, is front sight, 20-10? Must we achieve 20-20 before 20-10, because we can’t utilize a skill, unless we know where it came from? Do we look forward as an escape from looking back, convincing ourselves, that if we ignore what came before, it never really happened? Does this cause us to act on what we want to see, instead of what’s actually there? Do we look back as an escape from looking forward, because not only are we afraid of a changing society flipping our world upside down, but we’re enveloped by a fear, that things will never be as good as they used to be, no matter how much success we achieve, or obstacles we overcome? Or do we have these 20-20 skills, and realize it has led us to 20-10 forward vision, specifically because we learned the lessons of the past? Do we feel less confident about successfully completing our next steps, than we need to be, in order to wrap our soul in the warm glow of authentic satisfaction? We are now 20 years into the millennium, and relatively close to where we started from. Yes, we’ve definitely progressed in a positive direction as a species, shirking some of the more violent, racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, and inhuman acts we used to commit upon one another, simply because we acted put of projected fear, instead of inner love. Do we still have a long way to go, of course we do; but that doesn’t mean we have to continually act out of imbedded hatred, whose origin we don’t know. We must continuously learn the lessons of the past, by applying them to a constantly evolving, and mutating sense, of what the world really is. So on this valentines day, may 20-20 hindsight never cease to inform us, of the hills we must climb; while reminding us of hoe beautiful 20-10 front sight can be, when we take off our rose colored glasses of self-doubt, and unleash the awesome power of seeing, not only how the world really is, but how much better it can be, when we love each other, because we love ourselves, specifically due to allowing our soul to not only breathe, but thrive.”

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