from the mind of critic: 12/12/19


From the mind of critic:  “If our life’s biggest question is where’s my beer, are we ceding responsibility? Is not remembering where we set out stuff, the natural outcome of laziness to evolve? Does this laziness spawn from us not being confident enough in ourselves, to stay conscious of what’s in front of our face? Do we build confidence through accountability the moment we realize, it makes us more in control, not less? Being accountable, confident, in control or lazy, may seem like extremely vague topics to decode, especially if we never seem to find the time amongst our day to day survival. The trick is and what becomes increasingly apparent as our consciousness grows, is that in defining our priorities and how to carry them out, we’ll discover that finding out why we do things, and how they never fail to influence our choices, challenges and adversity whether self inflicted or not, is the key to finding the fulfillment we may never get to fully embrace, but which becomes increasingly positive, loving, peaceful and giving the more we illuminate our soul. We may never be perfect, or able to 100% keep track of our beer, but once we see the misplaced beer is but a symptom of not seeing our choices as important enough to be for our benefit, we’ll realize the more we build ourselves up, instead of tearing ourselves down, the more we’ll remember the important, and forget the unimportant.”

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