from the mind of critic-1/26/18

From the mind of critic: “If we claim we don’t know what we’ve been told, why do utterly confident statements of known information immediately follow? Are we repeating what we do know, but with humility because there are things we don’t know? Do we not understand what we’re saying, but do understand why it’s being said? Is being aware the first step in overcoming hypocrisy? Why soldiers begin candence’s stating emphatically they don’t know what they’re been told, I’m not sure, or maybe I am. Like political issues spring from civilian issues, the same is true for military issues. Humans create politicians, just like they create soldiers. If we’re aware of our hypocrisy but do it anyway, we’re consciously taking part in our collective downfall. However, if we use this awareness to become more authentic, not only will our words mean more, but so to will our actions. Admitting something doesn’t mean we’re weak, it signifies a willingness to grow. Claiming we know something immediately after claiming we don’t, sews confusion. Asking questions instead of blindly following whatever we’re told, is how we evolve.” 🙂
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