from the mind of critic-1/25/18

From the mind of critic: “If they call it stormy Monday but Tuesday’s just as bad, what’s the point of experiencing Wednesday if it’s even worse? Does the eagle fly on Friday, specifically because Thursday’s oh so sad, or in spite of it? On Satruday do we go out to play, because it’s the one day we let go, and allow ourselves to not feel deprressed? Do we rest on Sunday, because we have to prepare ourselves for the crappiness of the week? Life is all about perceptions born of experience, and how we react to adversity. Sometimes this adversity comes from the inside, born of self-sabotage and low self-esteem. Sometimes it comes from the outside, born of ignorantly big egos. Once we realize the difference, we’ll see there is enough people trying to tear us down, without us lending a helping hand. There are so many good poeple, so much beautiful scenery and so many great opportunities and experiences waiting for us, we just have to stop convincing ourselves they don’t exist. We only call it stormy Monday, because we haven’t yet discovered the power of conscious living. We all deserve joy, which starts with loving ourselves.” 🙂
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