from the mind of critic-1/20/18

From the mind of critic: “Does deleting un-useful actions, make more time for useful actions? Do our definitions of usefulness differ because of our perceptions,which cause friction due to our unique life experiences, which created those perceptions? Does the friction’s intensity also depend on our perceptions, because of our abundance or lack of acceptance? Going through our daily routines can be daunting, especially with the increasingly chaotic darkness currently emitting from Washington. We find solace amidst the crazy, in the few things we can count on being the same. When others attempt to change these few things of ours, the ensuing friction causes our mind to spin, which makes us believe we’ve lost our grip. This emptiness causes us to make decisions we otherwise wouldn’t, because like Bob Dylan said, “if you ain’t got nothing, you got nothing to lose”. We have a finite amount of time on the earth to prove ourselves worthy of being here, which begins with us proving worthy to ourselves. When we believe our self-worth, people will still try to change us an/or our actions, but we won’t be affected nearly as much because we’ll know who we are. Friction that leads to fighting is born of ignorance, friction that leads to understanding, is called positive evolution.”

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