from the mind of critic-12/19/17

From the mind of critic: “If Hanukkah is the festival of lights, does it celebrate the oil burning for 8 nights instead of one, while sanctifying the ancient rebuilding of the temple? Does it celebrate the light that burns within all of us, which burns eternally, no matter how dim we let it get? Does it celebrate oil, by frying latkes in America, and Sufganiyot in Israel? Does it simply celebrate one story among many, which can help teach, guide and advise us when we’re confused about which path to take? On this 8th and final night of Hanukkah, we all need light more than ever. Dark forces have always tried to further their control, but right now they see an opening fpr acceleration. As humans we have a choice, we can step into the darkness or step into the light. If we don’t choose, we’ve allowed the person closest to us, or the person with the loudest voice to choose for us. In the end, holidays mean whatever we want them to, with the reasons we celebrate as numrous as drops of water in the ocean. We must always remember, the things that matter to us, friends, family, shelter, purpose, are the same things that matter to everybody else. That is the light we celebrate this holiday season. That is why we light candles on Hanukkah. If we want to bring light to the darkness, our light might be from different sources, but it’s still light. Isn’t that all that matters?” 🙂