from the mind of critic-11/14/17

From the mind of critic: “If the art of the deal was one man’s blueprint for always ending up on top, did the public know it was step by step instructions to erase humanity, by squashing anybody who got in the way of personal gain? As popularity grew, did readers realize making themselves the center of the universe instead of their universe, was only possible if they forsook all other humans? Do some of us wish it was the old west or anarchy, while not realizing their practical applications? Ignorance decribes an unwillingness to learn or witness what happens outside of one’s bubble. If we want people to stop wheeling and dealing us, then we have to stop wheeling and dealing them. While Trump’s diary of a con man might have struck a chord during the screw everybody but me Reagan 80s, it’s that chord that is currently making the beauty of humanity way out of tune. Whether we’re dealing or compromising, it’s our intent and positive collective action that follows which propels us forward. Our species can redirected onto the right course, once we compromise not ourselves, but our misconceptions.” 🙂