from the mind of critic-9/19/17

From the mind of critic: “If we’re relaxing our day away and there’s a knock at the door, do we open it without a second thought, whether or not we’re expecting somebody? Do we look through the peephole to make sure it’s not an armed crazy? Do we move with hesitancy because of no peephole? Do we continue leaving our feet up until the person stops knocking, and stops interrupting our chi? Does the door knock wake us from a sound sleep, making us question whether it’s a dream or reality? Being open to opportunities, does not mean being a doormat. We are bombarded constantly with things we should be doing or experiencing, cascading over us whether we’re ready or not. Once we realize being open to everything is vital in acknowledging opportunities, but filtering out the bad and keeping the good is crucial in proving viability, we’ll see we have to answer whenever opportunity knocks, to even have a chance at building ourselves up. An unexpected guest may roust us from slumber, but they also may be the answer we’ve been looking for.” 🙂