from the mind of critic-9/16/17

From the mind of critic: “If we move with whichever way the wind blows, we seemingly have no control, but who or what controls the wind? Is it some unseen and invisible yet all knowing and all powerful force, who makes the wind blow whyever, and whenever he or she feels like it? Are there increasingly stronger and more frequent winds because of man-made climate change, which makes us the entity who controls which way the wind blows, whether or not we’re cognizant of the ability? Are there other things we think we have no control over, when really we not only control every aspect, we thought up the design? The ingrained fallacy of going whichever way the wind blows as a metaphor for floating through life without control, reveals even more layers when we realize we do have control, but are apathetic and complacent. The first step in our collective evolution is not only discovering that we control the wind, but that we are the wind. Thinking for ourselves can be hard, but gets easier with practice.” 🙂