from the mind of critic-9/12/17

From the mind of critic: “If we wave at random strangers walking down the street, do we have a hidden agenda? Do we wave at some, while avoiding others by not making eye contact? Are we waving at our fellow humans, because they’re journeying , just like we’re journeying? Do we wave becuase it’s a direct and personal interaction we can initiate, in an increasingly impersonal world? Do we wave simply because it’s how our parents and grandparents taught us to be neighborly? If we’ve ever been fishing, or been on a boat, we’ve waved at strangers whether we remember or not. We know why, it’s friendly, neighborly, human, and it’s a way to signal to others that we’re here, you’re there, and we can help each other out if need be. Once we realize that waving at others fisherman or boaters, is just like waving in regular life and for the same reasons, we’ll see that the more we wave at fellow humans, the more human we become. Personal interactions are the little things that make life worth living. Sometimes when we wave people ignore, don’t acknowledge, wave back, and sometimes they even smile back. Isn’t somebody we don’t know making us randomly smile, while we make them randomly smile, the solution to most of the world’s problems?” 🙂